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Windows 8 Download Gratis Dan Panduan Instal

windows 8 adalah nama dari versi terbaru Microsoft Windows, serangkaian sistem operasi yang diproduksi oleh Microsoftuntuk digunakan pada komputer pribadi, termasuk komputer rumah dan bisnis, laptop, netbook, tablet PC, server, dan PC pusat media.[3] Sistem operasi ini menggunakan mikroprosesor ARM selain mikroprosesor x86 tradisional buatan Intel danAMD. Antarmuka penggunanya diubah agar mampu digunakan pada peralatan layar sentuh selain mouse dan keyboard, sehingga Windows 8 di desain untuk perangkat tablet sentuh.
Microsoft secara resmi merilis Windows 8 pada 26 Oktober 2012 bersamaan dengan peluncuran komputer perdana yang menggunakan Windows 8.[4] Versi percobaan Windows 8 berupa Consumer Preview dan Release Preview.[5] Pada 26 Juni 2013, Microsoft merilis versi Uji Coba dari Windows 8.1 (sebelumnya dikenal sebagai Windows Blue), sebuah peningkatanuntuk Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, dan Windows XP. Pada 18 Oktober 2013, Microsoft merilis Windows 8.1 sebagai pembaruan gratis untuk Windows 8.
Pengembangan Windows 8 sudah dimulai sebelum Windows 7 diluncurkan[6] tahun 2009. Pada akhir Januari 2011, diConsumer Electronics Show (CES), Microsoft mengumumkan bahwa Windows 8 akan mendukung mikroprosesor ARM selain mikroprosesor x86 dari Intel, AMD dan VIA Technologies.[7][8] Tanggal 1 Juni 2011, Microsoft secara resmi meluncurkan antarmuka pengguna baru Windows 8 dan fitur-fitur tambahan lain di Taipei Computex 2011 di Taipei (Taiwan) yang dipresentasikan oleh Mike Angiulo dan di D9 conference in California (United States) by Julie Larson-Green and Microsoft's Windows President Steven Sinofsky.[9][10] Blog "Building Windows 8" yang diluncurkan tanggal 15 Agustus 2011 memaparkan rincian fitur dan proses pengembangan Windows 8.[11]

Fiktur Baru Di Windows 8 
  • Desain aplikasi Windows 8 UI, yang bisa dibuat dari bahasa pemograman apa saja, seperti : HTML/CSS, JavaScript, C, C++, C#, dll.
  • Hilangnya tombol Mulai (digantikan oleh Layar Mulai dan Charms).
  • Kompatibel dengan arsitektur Intel, AMD, dan ARM (khususnya tablet).
  • Kompatibel dengan perangkat berspesifikasi rendah seperti Tablet, Laptop, Netbook, bahkan Smartphone
  • Portabel di USB (Windows To Go).
  • Windows Explorer menggunakan ribbon seperti Office 2010 & 2007, juga berganti nama menjadi 'File Explorer.
  • Hybrid Boot, fitur untuk mempercepat waktu start-up dengan menyimpan memori inti Windows ke dalam hard disk dan me-load-nya tiap booting.
  • Fitur pengembalian (recovery) baru, Refresh dan Reset. Refresh akan mengembalikan semua file Windows ke kondisi awal tanpa mengubah pengaturan, berkas, atau aplikasi Windows 8 UI. Reset akan mengembalikan komputer ke kondisi standar pabrikan.
  • Rancangan baru dari Windows Task Manager.
  • Proses aktivasi yang mudah.
  • Diperkenalkannya Layar Kunci (Lock Screen).
  • Bursa Windows, sebagai tempat membeli atau menginstal aplikasi Windows 8 UI.
  • Aplikasi Media Penyimpanan Awan baru yang disebut Skydrive.
  • Antivirus yang sudah terintegrasi dengan Windows Defender.
  • Pilihan Jenis Log-In yang beragam, yaitu sandi akun Microsoft/lokal, Sandi gambar, dan PIN.

 Download Windows 8 Dagan Lengkap

             Download Windows 8 Sekarang Juga Gratis 
                                                      Windows 8 Pro Full + Licence
                                   Link Free Download Windows 8 Professional 32 Bit
                                   Link Free Downlaod Windows 8 Professional 64 Bit
                                                      PART 1 . PART 2. PART 3 . PART 4
Untuk menggabungkan filenya, cukup extrak part 1 saja maka otomatis file Windows 8 yang lain juga akan tergabung.
Untuk serial gunakan serial dibawah ini :
Serial Retail Key Licence Windows 8 Professional :

Serial Retail Key For Windows 8 Media Center :

Bagi yang masih belum tahu langkah2 menginstall windows 8, baik memakai CD/DVD ataupun memakai USB flahdisk, berikut langkah2 untuk menginstall edisi pratinjau pengembang windows 8 dari microsoft. Windows 8 edisi Pengembang adalah versi pra-beta dari microsoft untuk pengujian dan tujuan pengembangan. ini tidak dianjurkan di install pada pc yang masih aktif digunakan.
Jika ada rencana untuk membuat dual booting, pastikan anda menyediakan partisi primer lebih dari 20GB. dan jika ada rencana untuk instalasi bersih, pastikan backup dahulu file2nya kemudian baru diformat harddisk C nya, lalu install bersih windows 8 nya.
  1. Boot komputer anda dengan media instalasi windows 8 Developer.
  2. Mungkin butuh beberapa menit untuk memuat file-file, dan kemudian akan membawa Anda ke layar instalasi. Pilih pilihan yang sesuai dan klik Next.
  3. Sekarang klik pada “Install Now” untuk melanjutkan
  4. centang “Accept the terms and conditions” dan kemudian klik “Next”.
  5. Disini kita bisa memilih opsi apakah ingin meng-upgrade windows kita ke windows 8 Edisi Developer atau ingin melakukan instalasi bersih. Pilih Custom (Advanced) untuk melanjutkan instalasi bersih.
  6. Pada layar ini Anda dapat memilih drive yang ingin Anda instal, di sini kita memiliki kemampuan untuk mengelola disk, format, membuat partisi dll Jika Anda berencana untuk men-setup Dual boot maka Anda dapat memilih drive yang berbeda. Setelah Anda mengkonfigurasi drive klik “Next”
  7. Itu saja sekarang akan dimulai proses instalasi, tunggu sampai selesai yang mengambil waktu 10 menit sampai 1 jam tergantung pada konfigurasi Hardware.
  8. Setelah itu menyelesaikan instalasi Komputer Anda akan reboot dan akan mempersiapkan pengaturan2. Jadi silahkan menunggu beberapa saat.
  9. Sekarang akan membawa Anda untuk mempersonalisasi pengaturan desktop Anda. Silahkan pilih “Express settings” yang pada layarnya tertera keterangan tentang apa saja settingan akan dilakukan.
  10. Tidak seperti sistem operasi lain, pada Windows 8 Anda dapat login menggunakan account Windows Live. Jadi, Anda dapat memasukkan informasi account Windows Live Anda.

  11. Jika tidak ingin menggunakan metode login ini, silahkan klik pada “I don’t want to log in with a Windows Live ID”.

    Anda dapat memilih “Local account” untuk membuat Username dan Password untuk login ke Windows Anda.

    Setelah semua informasi telah dimasukkan, klik “Next”.
  12. Sekarang Windows akan mengkonfigurasi pengaturan Anda

  13. Setelah semuanya di setup, maka kita akan disuguhkan tampilan Desktop Windows 8.
Selamat! Anda sekarang telah berhasil menginstal Windows 8 edisi Pengembang di komputer Anda. 

Cheat Point Blank Terbaru

Cheat Ini Aktif Karna Cheat Ini Kami Dapat Dari Situs Terkenal Dan Kami Jamin Cheat Point Blank Ini Menjaga Akun Point Blank Anda Tidak Di Di Bened Cheat Point Blank Gratis
 Cheat Point Blank Terbaru.Cheat Point Blank 2014.Cheat Point Blank Mei 2014
Fiktur Cheat Point Blank
  • Anti Banned ID Point Blank/ Char 100%
  • Wallhack Mode
  • Name Wallhack
  • Unlimited Ammo All Weapon Reloaded
  • Auto Skill mode
  • Anti Spawn or No respawn
  • Auto Quick Change Mode
  • Auto Hp +20

Hotkey :

  • Anti Banned ID = Langsung Aktif / Auto ON
  • Wallhack Mode = INSERT  ON / OFF
  • Unlimited Ammo =  F9 ON / OFF
  • Burst piso 1 Hit = END ON / OFF
  • Skill,Quck change+Auto Fullhack Tero/ Teroris/ team Merah= F10 ON / F12 OFF 
  • Skill,Quck change+Auto Fullhack Police / Polisi / team Biru= F11 ON / F12 OFF  

Tutorial  :
    • Buka Cheat
    • Buka PB Launcher
    • Star Cheat
    • Happy Cheatting!
    #Cheat Ini Aktif Di Windows Apa Pun Windows 7.Windows 8 DLL
     Cheat Point Blank Terbaru.

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    Daftar Pasaran Harga Laptop Toshiba 
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    The Toshiba notebook price base on survey many dealer at famoust place at Jakarta, like harco mangga dua and glodok. The price update every month. Price in IDR, Diff = beda harga dgn bulan lalu, (-) turun, (+) naik

    Merk & Type
    Price (Rp)
    Diff (Rp)
    Toshiba NB510 DOS. 
    Intel Atom N2800 1.86Ghz, 2GB, 320GB, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel GMA, Camera, 10.1inch WSVGA, Non OS, Batt 6 Cell 
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    Core i7 2640M 2.8Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3inch WXGA, Win 7 Pro 
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    Core i7 2640M 2.8Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3inch WXGA, Win 7 Pro 
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    Toshiba Portege R930-2028 
    Core i5 3210M 2.5Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3" WXGA, Win 8 
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    Toshiba Portege Z930-2029 
    Intel Core i7-3667U, 6GB DDR3, 128GB SSD, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel HD Graphics, Camera, 13.3inch WXGA, Win 8 64 bit 
    Toshiba Portege Z930-2029 
    Core i7 3667U 2.0Ghz, 6GB DDR3, 128GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3” WXGA, Win 8 
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    Core i5 3337U 1.8Ghz, 6GB DDR3, 128GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3” WXGA, Win 8 
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    Core i7 2670QM 2.2Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, 15.6” WXGA HD CSV, Nvidia Geforce GT 540M 2GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Win 7 Home Premium 
    Toshiba Qosmio F750-1014X 
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    Toshiba Qosmio X70-A101X 
    Core i7 4700MQ 2.4Ghz, 16GB DDR3, 1TB, Blu-Ray, 17.3” WXGA, Nvidia Geforce GT 740M 2GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Win 8 
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    Core i7 2630QM 2.0Ghz, 8GB DDR3, 1TB, Blu-Ray, 17.3” WXGA HD CSV, Nvidia Geforce GTX 560M 1.5GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Win 7 Home Premium 
    Toshiba Qosmio X770-1005X 
    Core i7 2670QM 2.2Ghz, 8GB DDR3, 1TB, Blu-Ray, 17.3” WXGA HD CSV, Nvidia Geforce GTX 560M 2GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Win 7 Home Premium 
    Toshiba Qosmio X870-1001X 
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    Toshiba Satellite C800-1024 
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    Toshiba Satellite C800D-1010 
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    Toshiba Satellite C840-1028U 
    Pentium B980 2.4Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 320GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, Non OS 
    Toshiba Satellite C840-1029U 
    Pentium B960 2.2Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 320GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, DOS 
    Toshiba Satellite C840-1032 
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    Toshiba Satellite L40-AS101 
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    Toshiba Satellite L40-AS102 
    Core i3 3227U 1.9Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Nvidia Geforce GT740M 2GB, Camera, 14” WXGA, DOS 
    Toshiba Satellite L40-AS106 
    Core i5 3377U 1.8Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, DOS 
    Toshiba Satellite L40-AS107 
    Core i5 3377U 1.8Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Nvidia Geforce GT740M 2GB, Camera, 14” WXGA, DOS 
    Toshiba Satellite L40-AS115 
    Intel 1037U 1.8Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, DOS 
    Toshiba Satellite L40-AS116 
    Intel 1037U 1.8Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, Win 8 
    Toshiba Satellite L40-AS117 
    Core i3 3227U 1.9Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, Win 8 
    Toshiba Satellite L40-AS122 
    Core i5 3377U 1.8Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, Win 8 
    Toshiba Satellite L40D-AS101 
    AMD A8 5545M, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon HD 8500, Camera, 14” WXGA, DOS 
    Toshiba Satellite L735-1007XB 
    Core i3 2310M 2.13Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Nvidia Geforce 315M 1GB, Camera, 13.3” WXGA, Win 7 Home Premium 
    Toshiba Satellite L735-1010X 
    Core i3 2310M 2.13Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Nvidia Geforce 315M 1GB, Camera, 13.3” WXGA, Win 7 Home Premium 
    Toshiba Satellite L735-1011XR 
    Core i3 2310M 2.13Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Nvidia Geforce 315M 1GB, Camera, 13.3” WXGA, Win 7 Home Premium 
    Toshiba Satellite L735-1128U 
    Core i3 2350M 2.3Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3” WXGA, Non OS 
    Toshiba Satellite L735-1131U 
    Core i3 2350M 2.3Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3” WXGA, Win 7 Home Basic 
    Toshiba Satellite L740-1220U 
    Core i3 380M 2.53Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 320GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Intel HD, Camera, 14.1” WXGA, Non OS 
    Toshiba Satellite L740-2224U 
    Core i3 2350M 2.3Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 320GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14.1” WXGA, Win 7 Pro 
    Toshiba Satellite L745-1105U 
    Core i3 2330M 2.2Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, Non OS 
    Toshiba Satellite L745-1106UB 
    Core i3 2330M 2.2Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, Non OS 
    Toshiba Satellite L745-1107UR 
    Core i3 2330M 2.2Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, Non OS 
    Toshiba Satellite L745-1108U 
    Core i3 2330M 2.2Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, Win 7 Home Basic 
    Toshiba Satellite L745-1109UB 
    Core i3 2330M 2.2Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, Win 7 Home Basic 
    Toshiba Satellite L745-1110UR 
    Core i3 2330M 2.2Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, Win 7 Home Basic 
    Toshiba Satellite L745-1216U 
    Core i3 2350M 2.3Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, Non OS 
    Toshiba Satellite L840-1003 
    Core i5 2450M 2.5Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, Non OS 
    Toshiba Satellite L840-1015 
    Core i5 3210M 2.5Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, Non OS 
    Toshiba Satellite L840-1035 
    Core i5 3210M 2.5Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon HD 7670 2GB, Camera, 14” WXGA, Win 8 
    Toshiba Satellite L840-1041 
    Core i5 3210M 2.5Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon HD 7670 2GB, Camera, 14” WXGA, Win 8 
    Toshiba Satellite L840-1045 
    Core i5 3230M 2.6Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon HD 7670 2GB, Camera, 14” WXGA, DOS 
    Toshiba Satellite L840-1053 
    Core i3 2348M 2.3Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon HD 7670 2GB, Camera, 14” WXGA, Win 8 
    Toshiba Satellite L840-1056 
    Core i5 3230M 2.6Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon HD 7670 2GB, Camera, 14” WXGA, Win 8 
    Toshiba Satellite M840-1002X 
    Core i7 3612QM, 4GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon HD 7670M 2GB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Win 7 Home Premium 
    Toshiba Satellite M840-1012 
    Intel Core i3-2350M, 2GB DDR3, 640GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel HD 1696MB (shared), Camera, 14inch WXGA, Win7 Home Basic 32 bit/64 bit 
    Toshiba Satellite M840-1013 
    lntel Core i3-2370M, 2GB DDR3, 640GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel® HD Graphics 1GB (Shared), Camera, 14inch WXGA, Win7 Home Basic 32 bit/64 bit 
    Toshiba Satellite M840-1013X 
    Core i3 2370M 2.4Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Win 7 Home Basic 
    Toshiba Satellite M840-1015X 
    Core i5 3210M, 2GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Win 7 Home Basic 
    Toshiba Satellite M840-1025X 
    Core i5 3210M 2.5Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon HD 7670 2GB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Win 7 Home Basic 
    Toshiba Satellite M840-1031X 
    Core i5 3210M 2.5Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon HD 7670 2GB, Camera, 14" WXGA, Win 8 
    Toshiba Satellite M840-1033X 
    Core i7 3632QM, 4GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon HD 7670M 2GB, Camera, 14" WXGA, Win 8 
    Toshiba Satellite M840-1045 
    Core i3 3110M 2.4Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14" WXGA, DOS 
    Toshiba Satellite M840-1047X 
    Core i3 3110M 2.4Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon HD 7670M 2GB, Camera, 14" WXGA, DOS 
    Toshiba Satellite M840-1055X 
    Core i5 3230M 2.6Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon HD 7670 2GB, Camera, 14" WXGA, Win 8 
    Toshiba Satellite M840-1071X 
    Core i7 3612QM, 4GB DDR3, 750GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon HD 7670M 2GB, Camera, 14" WXGA, DOS 
    Toshiba Satellite NB10-A104 
    Intel N2810 2.0Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Intel HD, Camera, 11.6” WXGA, DOS 
    Toshiba Satellite NB10-A104S 
    Intel N2810 2.0Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Intel HD, Camera, 11.6” WXGA, DOS 
    Toshiba Satellite NB10-A105 
    Intel N2810 2.0Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Intel HD, Camera, 11.6” WXGA, DOS 
    Toshiba Satellite NB10-AS100 
    Intel N2810 2.0Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Intel HD, Camera, 11.6” WXGA Touch Screen, Win 8 SL 
    Toshiba Satellite NB10-AS108 
    Intel N2810 2.0Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Intel HD, Camera, 11.6” WXGA, Win 8 SL 
    Toshiba Satellite P50-A101 
    Core i7 4700MQ 2.4Ghz, 8GB DDR3, 1TB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Nvidia Geforce GT745M 4GB, Camera, 15.6” WXGA, Win 8 
    Toshiba Satellite P50t-A106 
    Core i7 4500U 1.8Ghz, 8GB DDR3, 1TB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Nvidia Geforce GT740M 4GB, Camera, 15.6” WXGA Touch Screen, Win 8 
    Toshiba Satellite P745-1017U 
    Intel Core i5-2430M, 2GB DDR3, 640GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel® HD Graphics, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS 
    Toshiba Satellite P840-1003X 
    Intel Core i5-3317U, 4GB DDR3, 750GB HDD, DVD±RW, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA NVIDIA® GeForce® GT 630M, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Win 8 64 bit 
    Toshiba Satellite P840-1011X 
    Core i5 3337U 1.8Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 750GB HDD, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Nvidia Geforce GT630M 2GB, Camera, 14" WXGA, Win 8 
    Toshiba Satellite P840T Touchscreen 
    Core i5 3317U 1.7Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 750GB HDD, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Nvidia Geforce GT630M 2GB, Camera, 14" WXGA Touch Screen, Win 8 
    Toshiba Satellite P850-1001X 
    Core i7 3610QM 2.3Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 750GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Nvidia Geforce GT630 2GB, Camera, 15.6inch WXGA, Win 7 Home Premium 
    Toshiba Satellite P850-1009X 
    Core i7 3630QM 2.4Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 750GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Nvidia Geforce GT630 2GB, Camera, 15.6inch WXGA, Win 8 
    Toshiba Satellite P850-1010X 
    Core i7 3630QM 2.4Ghz, 8GB DDR3, 1TB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Nvidia Geforce GT640 2GB, Camera, 15.6" WXGA, Win 8 
    Toshiba Satellite S40T-AS105 
    Core i3 4010U 1.7Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA Touch Screen, Win 8 
    Toshiba Satellite U840-1001U 
    Core i5 2467M 1.6Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 500GB HDD + 16GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Win 7 Home Premium 
    Toshiba Satellite U840-1009 
    Core i3 3217U 1.8Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 500GB HDD + 32GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon HD 7550M 1GB, Camera, 14" WXGA, Win 7 Home Premium 
    Toshiba Satellite U840T-1012 
    Core i5 3337U 1.8Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 500GB HDD + 32GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14" WXGA Touch Screen, Win 8 
    Toshiba Satellite U840W-1000 
    Core i5 3317U 1.7Ghz, 6GB DDR3, 500GB HDD + 32GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14" WXGA, Win 7 Home Premium 
    Toshiba Satellite U940-1000X 
    Intel Core i5-3317U, 4GB DDR3, 32GB SSD + 640GB HDD, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA NVIDIA GeForce GT630M, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Win 8 64 bit 
    Toshiba Staellite C840-1033 
    Core i3 2348M 2.3Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14” WXGA, DOS 

    Daftar Pasaran Harga Laptop Samsung

    Merk & Type
    Price (Rp)
    Diff (Rp)
    Samsung ATIV Book 9 Lite NP905S3G-K02ID 
    Proc Quad Core, 4GB, 128GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon HD 8250, Camera, 13.3” LED HD, Win 8 
    Samsung ATIV Book 9 Lite NP915S3G-K02ID 
    Proc Quad Core, 4GB, 128GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon HD 8250, Camera, 13.3” LED HD Touch Screen, Win 8 
    Samsung ATIV Book 9 Plus NP940X3G-K01ID 
    Core i5 4200U, 4GB, 128GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3” QHD+ Touch Screen, Win 8 
    Samsung ATIV Book 9 Plus NP940X3G-K03ID 
    Core i7 4500U, 8GB, 256GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3” QHD+ Touch Screen, Win 8 
    Samsung ATIV XE500T1C-G01ID 
    Intel Atom Z2760 1.8Ghz, 2GB, 64GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, 3G, Intel HD, Camera, 11.6” LED HD Touch Screen, Win 8 
    Samsung ATIV XE500T1C-G02ID 
    Intel Atom Z2760 1.8Ghz, 2GB, 64GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, 3G, Intel HD, Camera, 11.6” LED HD Touch Screen, Win 8 
    Samsung ATIV XE500T1C-H02ID 
    Intel Atom Z2760 1.8Ghz, 2GB, 64GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, 3G, Intel HD, Camera, 11.6” LED HD Touch Screen, Win 8 
    Samsung ATIV XE700T1C-G01ID 
    Core i5 3317U 1.7Ghz, 4GB, 128GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, 3G, Intel HD, Camera, 11.6” LED HD Touch Screen, Win 8 
    Samsung ATIV XE700T1C-H02ID 
    Core i5 3317U 1.7Ghz, 4GB, 128GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, 3G, Intel HD, Camera, 11.6” LED HD Touch Screen, Win 8 
    Samsung NC108 
    Intel Atom N2600 1.6Ghz, Intel GMA, 2GB, 320GB, 10.1” WSVGA, Camera, Wifi, Bluetooth, Card Reader, Non OS, Batt 6 Cell 
    Samsung NP-NC108-P08ID 
    Intel Atom N2800, 2GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel GMA 3600 (shared), Camera, 10.1inch WSVGA, Non OS 
    Samsung NP270E4E-K01ID 
    Core i3 3110M 2.4Ghz, 14” LED HD, 4GB, 500GB, DVDRW, Card Reader, Intel HD, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Win 8 
    Samsung NP270E4V-K01ID 
    Core i3 3120M 2.5Ghz, 14” LED HD, 4GB, 500GB, DVDRW, Card Reader, Intel HD, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, DOS 
    Samsung NP270E4V-K02ID 
    Intel 847 1.1Ghz, 14” LED HD, 2GB, 500GB, DVDRW, Card Reader, Intel HD, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, DOS 
    Samsung NP270E4V-K04ID 
    Core i3 3110M 2.4Ghz, 14” LED HD, 4GB, 500GB, DVDRW, Card Reader, Intel HD, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, DOS 
    Samsung NP270E4V-X01ID 
    Intel 1007U 1.5Ghz, 14” LED HD, 2GB, 500GB, DVDRW, Card Reader, Nvidia Geforce GT 710M 1GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, DOS 
    Samsung NP275E4V-K01ID 
    AMD E2 2000 1.75Ghz, 14” LED HD, 4GB, 500GB, DVDRW, Card Reader, AMD Radeon HD 7340, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, DOS 
    Samsung NP275E4V-K02ID 
    AMD E1 1500 1.48Ghz, 14” LED HD, 2GB, 500GB, DVDRW, Card Reader, AMD Radeon HD 7310, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, DOS 
    Samsung NP275E4V-K03ID 
    AMD E1 1500 1.48Ghz, 14” LED HD, 2GB, 500GB, DVDRW, Card Reader, AMD Radeon HD 7310, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, DOS 
    Samsung NP275E4V-K04ID 
    AMD E1 1500 1.48Ghz, 14” LED HD, 2GB, 500GB, DVDRW, Card Reader, AMD Radeon HD 7310, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, DOS 
    Samsung NP275E4V-X01ID 
    AMD E2 2000 1.75Ghz, 14” LED HD, 4GB, 500GB, DVDRW, Card Reader, AMD Radeon HD 8570M 1GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, DOS 
    Samsung NP300 
    Core i3 2350M 2.3Ghz, 14” LED HD, 2GB, 500GB, DVDRW, Card Reader, Nvidia Geforce GT520M 1GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Non OS, Batt 6 Cell 
    Samsung NP300 
    Core i5 2450M 2.5Ghz, 14” LED HD, 4GB, 1TB, DVDRW, Card Reader, Nvidia Geforce GT 520M 1GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Non OS, Batt 6 Cell 
    Samsung NP300E4V-A01ID 
    Intel B847 1.1Ghz, 14” LED HD, 2GB, 320GB, DVDRW, Card Reader, Intel HD, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, DOS 
    Samsung NP300E4V-A02ID 
    Core i3 3120M 2.5Ghz, 14” LED HD, 2GB, 320GB, DVDRW, Card Reader, Intel HD, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, DOS 
    Samsung NP300E4X-A06 
    Intel B820 1.7Ghz, 14” LED HD, 2GB, 320GB, DVDRW, Card Reader, Intel HD, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, DOS 
    Samsung NP300E4X-T02ID 
    Intel B820 1.7Ghz, 14” LED HD, 2GB, 320GB, DVDRW, Card Reader, Nvidia Geforce 610M, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, DOS 
    Samsung NP300E4Z-T02ID 
    Core i3 2370M 2.4Ghz, 14” LED HD, 2GB, 500GB, DVDRW, Card Reader, AMD Radeon HD 6470M, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, DOS 
    Samsung NP350 
    Core i3 2370M 2.4Ghz, 14” LED HD, 4GB, 500GB, DVDRW, Card Reader, Intel HD, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Non OS, Batt 6 Cell 
    Samsung NP350 
    Core i5 3210M 2.5Ghz, 14” LED HD, 4GB, 500GB, DVDRW, Card Reader, AMD Radeon HD 7670M 1GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Non OS, Batt 6 Cell 
    Samsung NP350V4X-S02 
    Core i5 3210M 2.5Ghz, 14” LED HD, 4GB, 750GB, DVDRW, Card Reader, AMD Radeon HD 7670M 1GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, DOS, Batt 6 Cell 
    Samsung NP355 
    AMD A6 4400M 2.7Ghz, 2GB, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon 7000, Camera, 14” LED HD, Non OS, Batt 6 Cell 
    Samsung NP355E4X-A02ID 
    AMD E1 1200 1.4Ghz, 14” LED HD, 2GB, 320GB, DVDRW, Card Reader, AMD Radeon HD 7310M, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, DOS 
    Samsung NP355V4X-A01ID/02ID 
    AMD A6 4400M 2.7Ghz, 2GB, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon 7000, Camera, 14” LED HD, DOS 
    Samsung NP355V4X-S03ID 
    AMD A6 4400M 2.7Ghz, 2GB, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon 7520G + HD7670M, Camera, 14” LED HD, DOS 
    Samsung NP355V4X-S04ID 
    AMD A8 4500M 1.9Ghz, 4GB, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon 7640G + HD7670M, Camera, 14” LED HD, DOS 
    Samsung NP370 
    B997 1.6Ghz, 14” LED HD, 4GB, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Card Reader, Intel HD, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, DOS 
    Samsung NP370 
    Core i3 3110M 2.4Ghz, 14” LED HD, 4GB, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Card Reader, AMD Radeon HD 8750M 1GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, DOS 
    Samsung NP370 
    Core i5 3210M 2.5Ghz, 14” LED HD, 4GB, 1TB, No Optical Drive, Card Reader, AMD Radeon HD 8750M 1GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, DOS 
    Samsung NP370R4E-A01ID 
    Core i3 3110M 2.4Ghz, 14” LED HD, 4GB, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Card Reader, Intel HD, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Win 8 
    Samsung NP370R4V-A01ID/02ID 
    Pentium B997 1.6Ghz, 14” LED HD, 4GB, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Card Reader, Intel HD, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, DOS 
    Samsung NP370R4V-S01ID 
    Core i3 3110M 2.4Ghz, 14” LED HD, 4GB, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Card Reader, AMD Radeon HD 8750M 1GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, DOS 
    Samsung NP370R4V-S02ID 
    Core i5 3210M 2.5Ghz, 14” LED HD, 4GB, 1TB, No Optical Drive, Card Reader, AMD Radeon HD 8750M 1GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, DOS 
    Samsung NP450R4V-X01ID/02ID 
    Core i3 3120M 2.5Ghz, 14” LED HD, 4GB, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Card Reader, Nvidia Geforce GT 710M 2GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, DOS 
    Samsung NP470R4E-K01ID 
    Core i5 3230M 2.6Ghz, 14” LED HD, 4GB, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Card Reader, Intel HD, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, DOS 
    Samsung NP530U3C-A02ID 
    Core i5 3317U 1.7Ghz, 13.3” LED HD, 4GB, 500GB HDD + 24GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Card Reader, Intel HD, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Win 8 
    Samsung NP530U3C-A03ID 
    Core i3 3217U 1.8Ghz, 13.3” LED HD, 4GB, 500GB HDD + 24GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Card Reader, Intel HD, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Win 8 
    Samsung NP530U4E-K01ID 
    Core i5 3337U 1.8Ghz, 14” LED HD, 4GB, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Card Reader, Intel HD, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Win 8 
    Samsung NP530U4E-K01ID/02ID 
    Core i5 3337U 1.8Ghz, 14” LED HD, 4GB, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Card Reader, Intel HD, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Win 8 
    Samsung NP530U4E-S01ID 
    Core i5 3337U 1.8Ghz, 14” LED HD, 4GB, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Card Reader, AMD Radeon HD8750M 2GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Win 8 
    Samsung NP535U3C-A03ID/04ID 
    AMD A6 4455M 2.1Ghz, 8GB, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon HD 7500G, Camera, 13.3” LED HD, Win 8 
    Samsung NP535U3X-A03ID 
    AMD A4 4355M 1.9Ghz, 4GB, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon HD 7400G, Camera, 13.3” LED HD, DOS 
    Samsung NP535U4X-S01ID 
    AMD A8 4555M 1.6Ghz, 8GB, 1TB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon HD 7600G, Camera, 14” LED HD, DOS 
    Samsung NP535U4X-S03ID 
    AMD A8 4555M 1.6Ghz, 6GB, 750GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon HD 7600G, Camera, 14” LED HD, DOS 
    Samsung NP540U3C-A01ID 
    Core i5 3317U 1.7Ghz, 13.3” LED HD, 8GB, 500GB HDD + 24GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Card Reader, Intel HD, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Win 8 
    Samsung NP540U4E-K01ID 
    Core i5 3337U 1.8Ghz, 14” LED HD Touch Screen, 4GB, 500GB HDD, Card Reader, Intel HD, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Win 8 
    Samsung NP730U3E-S01ID 
    Core i5 3337U 1.8Ghz, 13.3” LED HD, 4GB, 128GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Card Reader, AMD Radeon HD8570M 1GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Win 8 
    Samsung NP740U3E-X01ID 
    Core i5 3337U 1.8Ghz, 13.3” LED HD Touch Screen, 4GB, 128GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Card Reader, AMD Radeon HD8570M 1GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Win 8 
    Samsung NP740U3E-X03ID 
    Core i5 3337U 1.8Ghz, 13.3” LED HD Touch Screen, 4GB, 128GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Card Reader, AMD Radeon HD8750M 1GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Win 8 
    Samsung NP900X3C-A02ID 
    Core i5 3317U 1.7Ghz, 4GB, 128GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3” LED HD, Win 7 Home Premium, Batt 4 Cell 
    Samsung NP900X3C-A04ID 
    Core i5 3317U 1.7Ghz, 4GB, 128GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3” LED HD, Win 8 
    Samsung NP900X3C-A051D 
    Core i7 3517U 1.9Ghz, 4GB, 256GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3” LED HD, Win 8 
    Samsung NP900X3E-A01ID 
    Core i5 3337U 1.8Ghz, 4GB, 128GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3” LED HD, Win 8 
    Samsung NP900X3E-K01ID 
    Core i7 3537U 2.0Ghz, 4GB, 256GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3” LED HD, Win 8 
    Samsung NP900X3F-K01ID 
    Core i5 3337U 1.8Ghz, 4GB, 128GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3” LED HD, Win 8 
    Samsung NP900X3G-K01ID 
    Core i5 4200U 1.6Ghz, 8GB, 128GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3” LED HD, Win 8 
    Samsung NP905S3G-K02ID 
    Proc Quad Core, 4GB, 128GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon HD 8250, Camera, 13.3” LED HD, Win 8 
    Samsung NP915S3G-K02ID 
    Proc Quad Core, 4GB, 128GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon HD 8250, Camera, 13.3” LED HD Touch Screen, Win 8 
    Samsung NP940X3G-K01ID 
    Core i5 4200U, 4GB, 128GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3” QHD+ Touch Screen, Win 8 
    Samsung XE500-T1C-H01ID ATIV 
    Intel Atom Z2760, 2GB DDR3, 64GB HDD, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel GMA SGX545, Camera, 11.6inch WXGA, Touchscreen, Win8 32 bit 
    Samsung XE700T1A-A01ID 
    Core i5 2467M 1.6Ghz, 4GB, 64GB SSD, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 11.6” LED HD, Win 7 Pro, Batt 4 Cell